Wednesday 10 June 2009

What Tree

We went to Tenom Agricultural Park two weeks ago. It was my fourth visit to the park and never been there during fruit season. If you make a visit during these time, you can eat whatever edible fruits from the gardens, as much as you can. But you can only eat them in the park, they do not sell the fruits and you can never sneak them out. No tapau-tapau.

I made new findings anyway.

Beautiful flower isn't it? It came from this weird trees. The fruits look like buah kepayang but it's not. I know because we got pokok kepayang in our orchad. My hubby made a random guess and said it's buah kelapa laut (see coconut). Haimeh?

Anybody knows what tree is this?


Baizurah said...

eh.. I tot itu kepala laut tumbuh di laut... I suddenly feel so stupid.

Edi said...

weirdnyer pokok yg 2nd photo tu..
mcm buat 'stor' yg i pernah makan mase kecik2 dulu tp buah tu tak mcm ni tumbuh kat batang besor tu...
looks like an interesting plce to be! :-)

Khemy said...

definitely not sea coconut lah sebab pokok dia doesnt look like coconut tree at all..

err..kasik gift la..baru semangat nak cari..hehe..amacam?

Veda said...

lovely fruits gardens in malaysia....when my brotherinlaw was there in penang we had been to penang fruit garden and we ate so much fruits that it could last a lifetime:-) although i cant guess which frui this that jam fruit?

mangosteenskin said...


you typed kepala laut! LOL!

Akupun x tau macamana rupa kelapa laut tu...the only kelapa laut yg aku pernah nampak is yang di botol ubat batuk cap kelapa laut tu. wei...apalagi...mau google nih!

mangosteenskin said...


Buah stor? macamana rupa dan rasa buah stor tu?

Mango pun terfikir gak nak ambik sebiji buah tu dan belah, tengok isi kat dalam macamana...tapi tak kesampaian lah hr tu sebab asyik tangkap gambar.

mangosteenskin said...


Nak hadiah ye? Boleh..boleh...nanti Mango wat different post untuk cari ini pokok apa. Yehaa!

mangosteenskin said...


i also don't know what fruit is this!

Jam fruit? here's another new fruit name to me *scratch head*

Charlotte Arphenee said...

pokok kelapa laut lebe kurang pokok kelapa sawit, tapi dia renek jer. buah kelapa laut macam kelapa biasa, cuma size jauh lebih kecik.

i love kelapa laut. so sedap...

klu di thailand, harga 6 bijik kelapa laut siap kupas RM2.50. satu bijik bleh potong kecik kecik 8.

harga air kelapa laut kat temerloh nih, rm2.50 segelas dengan 3-4 ketul kelapa laut.

maknanya, dari sebijik kelapa laut bleh dapat 2-3 gelas air, kali dengan 6 dapat la lebeh kurang 12 gelas, modal cuma RM2.50, jual RM 30, untung RM27.50... urmmmm

Anonymous said...

kalau kat botanical garden penang.. pokok ni panggil cannon ball tree..bunga dier wangi...