Thursday 24 March 2011

Makan Bertalam

You think a fancy, candle-lit dinner is the only way to be romantic? Try makan bertalam! You can also switch off the light and lit some candles or lampu pelita, duduk bersimpuh atas tikar dan makan dengan tangan. Boleh juga suap-menyuap jika suka... kan?


In Makan bertalam, the food is served on one big tray and can be shared with few people. You don't need to use fork and spoon, just use your fingers. Try it with your spouse, or children, I highly recommend it :)

Just a simple cooking; ayam goreng, labu masak lemak, ulam dan sambal belacan. I learnt the sambal belacan recipe from internet :) This is the first time I found daun selom being sold at the local tamu near our house~ it's not common in Sabah.

Rasa lucu setiap kali tengok gambar candid ni...hehehe. Cute betul tengok Putri ketawakan Bapak dah gosok dagu tu.

We sent our employees for some Telekom tower painting job in Labuan last week so I took the chance to wander around the small town and found these old enamel wares in one very old shop. The cups and tall coffee pot with bird print are not in excellent condition, the lid and edges are a bit rustic but, I love it because it's vintage and most of all, I love the artsy, stenciled decorations :)

And the trays, I bought it simply because they bring nostalgic feelings. We use to have these kinds of tray when I was little. And also because I think it would be perfect for a makan bertalam try-out. Tapi yang funny kan, dulang tu melengkung so bila letak kuah, semua kuah lari ke tepi. Hahahaha.


feltralicious said... craving for ambuyat with sup ikan bambangan skrg niiiii

mangosteenskin said...

ooowww...sayapun rindu mo makan nantung!! kotau...saya terfikir juga kalau ada bambangan ni mesti best makan bertalam ni kan. slrrrppp...

feltralicious said...

ya mmg siok tu...tambah lg sayur pakis sgala..adih belacan lg...oo bambangan bila ko berbuah niiiii

feltralicious said...
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feltralicious said...

btw daun selom tu rasanya cam mint ka sikit..think i ate that b4.slalu my mum beli.

Jurnal Murahan said...

wow dis post win my heart. We used to do the same when we were kid, My mom was in Al-Arqam by the way, this culture is pretty common for 'em

but anyway, everybody shud xperiance this at least once in a lifetime,it does create a real bond between my siblings up til now

mangosteenskin said...

ya, memang macam mint sikit. At least ini lebih mild daripada ranca-ranca atau pegaga kan. Bertahun-tahun sudah saya tidak makan nantung...hubby saya x pandai makan. melekat di tekak dia bilang. hahahaha.

mangosteenskin said...


makan bertalam ni memang sunnah kan, tapi sayapun tak pernah makan begini sampailah pada satu hari kami melawat kawan2 yang "keluar" di masjid. Terus terfikir, kenapa tidak praktikkan di rumah? hehe, ni lah ni baru cuba pertama kali. Betul cakap JM, rasanya setiap orang patut merasa pengalaman ni atleast sekali seumur hidup.