Friday 10 October 2008

Happiness is a Choice

"No one will believe you when you tell them this, but happiness is a choice.

You can be happy right now.
Yes, right now.

With the decision to be happy.

You don't need more money (though it would be nice).
You don't need to be thinner (though you might like it) .
You don't need anything (though you might still want things)."

Something knocked my head. How true. Happiness is a choice. Think about it.
After considering that I have succeeded to be back into arts and crafts, I think now is time to revive and re-establish yet another past time interest; READING. I must admit though I love books and bookshopping, I seldom read. Since kid, I often just flip through pages enjoying inserted pictures and illustrations. Well, that is something I must change if I want to improve my vocabulary and reading speed.

I am currently in the first chapter of Life's Missing Instruction Manual : The Guidebook You Should be Given at Birth. I consider this book as a very good read as the explainations and use of language is kept simple, brief yet accurate. Easy lah for an intermediate like me kan. Hehe.


Faisal Admar said...

agree with you mango. happiness is a choice. but sometimes we choose to live a better life. it's pretty sad when we couldn't live the life we choose. don't you think?

Restnrileks said...

Oh mango, jgn lupa ambil puisi kawan ya di restnrileks. :)

Restnrileks said...


it is great to hear that you are feeling okay now.

I agree, Hapiness is being a choice no matter how many life-tantrums thrown at ya.

If you have the opportunity, try to get ur hand on Andrew Matthews - Being Happy. A great fun book to read.

I am trying to rekindle back my spirit too, plus book readings..

lama giler (gila ka? hehe) tak baca buku. restnrileks masih ada buku yang belum mula baca pun

mangosteenskin said...

hi faisal,

happiness is a choice right? so kalau gagal sekalipun kenalah optimis. kegembiraan boleh datang dalam pelbagai bentuk, kadang2 bukan dalam bentuk yang kita mahu,kan?

Restnrileks said...

Mango, thanks for the wish..

You are awesome.. :D

Antown said...

sudah lama nih saya tidak mengunjungi blog ini. pakabar manggis? karyanya makin bagus aja nih...

mampir ke blog saya yang baru ya...

Ciyou said...

u can decide to be happy or not for the day, but happy make life easy... So be happy always

mangosteenskin said...

helo rizal...

sebelum ini tak dapat online lama2 untuk jawab komen, now nak continue.

"happiness is a choice" tu saya quote dari buku manual yang saya tengah baca ni. masuk akal jugak kan, bukan sahaja happiness, apa2 sajapun terpulang kepada kita bagaimana mahu menerima.

Insyaallah kalau terjumpa bukun andrew matthews tu nanti saya baca. saya pun sama, kira rajin juga beli bukun dan majalah tapi tak habis baca pun. like you said in BCD's blog, hot2 chicken shit. hahaha.

mangosteenskin said...

helo antwon,

saya belum update lagi blogroll. sebab itu saya juga sudah lama x berkunjung ke blog antown. memang sekarang ini sukar hendak selalu aktif blogging. saya sihat aja, antown bagimana? terimakasih ya kerana selalu ingat untuk mampir ke sini!

Mariuca said...

Manggis! I have a special award and Friendship poem for u at Mariuca's, come pick it up later! :):):)

mangosteenskin said...

helo ciyou!

I agree. we must think positive. sometimes negative way of thinking only make matters worse right?

AbGJaS said...

Hi Mangosteen,
Salam Aidilfitri..

Yes, happiness is a choice. But in choosing to feel happy (the real and genuine one) or not to feel happy, i believe, is factorised by many things in and around us..

and that makes it real tough.

bonoriau said...

People always think that good live mean happy, rich mean happy but worse time is sad...BUT do we know that worse time mean GOD love us..GOD remain us to evaluate what wrong doing have we we can be HAPPY even during worse time if we understand the Happiness is our choice.

mangosteenskin said...

hi abgjas,

yepp betul tu abgjas, ada masanya kita memang x dapat mengelak dari berasa sedih. setiap orang mempunyai masalah yang berbeza, tapi mungkin kita kenalah mengelak dari fokus kepada perkara2 yang menyedihkan, nanti kita terlepas pandang pula perkara2 yang menggembirakan.

kalau ada seorang budak bergembira dengan $1, mungkin seorang budak lagi hanya akan gembira kalau dapat $10. But i am sure budak pertama tadi akan sedih kalau dia membandingkan S1 yang dia miliki dengan $10.

Memang, bukan semua perkara semudah memetik suis.

mangosteenskin said...

hi mariuca,

thanks for the award and friendship poem!

mangosteenskin said...

helo pak bono,

iya betul...saya setuju sekali dengan kata2 pak bono. tapi saya percaya setiap kita mempunyai definisi yang berbeza tentang happiness. Apa2pun semoga yang baik2 saja untuk semua.Have a nice day!

natural observer said...

hi nice to meet u here