Tuesday 6 July 2010

Sid's Logo

I designed the logo for a customer who happened to know me from Facebook. It was made since last April but I think the idea of sharing it in the blog is


I afraid other people will ask me to do the same thing for them. Saya ada dua tangan saja, belum mampu jadi macam oktopus yang disuruh meramal pertandingan bola sepak itu. Hehe.

Well, I really LOVE this kind of job, but my skill is limited. Anyone out there willing to teach me graphic design (with fee of coz)? How to use corel or illustrator? Or recommend me a place to take a short course in Kota Kinabalu? Please, let me know.

Anyway, what do you think about Sid's logo?

p/s: The font I use for MANGOSTEENSKIN above is interesting right? The font name is foob. I think it looks like mangosteen. Round and chunky and weird and stylo.



Nama aku Ijan said...

Mango, its really cute. Rasa mcm mau buat stiker keta guna font 2..hehehe..

Anasfadilah said...


nuhaz said...

cantikla... i like!! nnti amik award mr happy kt blog nuhaz ye...


Unknown said...

Cool! Very2 neat logo! Love the cool fonts!

I know what you mean by 'Pretty Damn Scary'=)

Yea actually I like to learn to use some graphic design software too..no chance yet...but actually ppl say photoshop or GIMP is sufficient/ok too =) I did my label design using GIMP. Logo using AAA Logo software.

I wanted to learn hw to use CS4, Illustrator etc but my PC can't afford to run with it yet...need some upgrades first =P

JariJari said...

klu di s'jung selalu ade kursus di kojel komuniti cuber2 la risik

.::Ge3bJiB::. said...

cantek la logo tuh...

Anaililron said...

kiut logo tu... dan slogannya. Font untuk mangosteenskin pun siok. hehe, lama aku mengamati bentuk2 dia.

mangosteenskin said...

tq. nanti mango cek.

terima kasih..

TQ. Bukan aku sudah pernah tunjuk logo ni dengan ko kah? Ko lah orang pertama yang nampak mungkin. Font tu kreatif kan? Macamana dia boleh ada idea buat font menggunakan splice of circles. Walaupun kak edi (comment dia tidak dapat dipublish) kata huruf t tu tidak nampak macam t sangat, tapi dalam ejaan mangosteenskin ni, huruf t tulah yang buat aku rasa menarik. Tapi kalau guna font ni mungkin susah juga orang mahu teka apa yang ditulis kalau tidak tau perkataan yang sebenar kan.

Anaililron said...

mmg font tu nampak kreatif. sebelum baca ko punya enrty lagi aku perhatikan font tu sambil pikir, wah kreatifnya ni font. dia guna bulat dan separuh bulat or suku bulat untuk cipta satu huruf. aku lupa pula kalo ko pernah tunjuk tu logo sebelum ni. tapi ko tau apa yang paling catchy about the logo? "i can bake magic" bikin aku rasa mcm mo try ja.

mangosteenskin said...

Ya, Sid cakap "I can bake magic" tu slogan yg mama dia selalu tulis. Mama dia suka baking juga, dan skarang, dia pula yg buat bisnes baking. So dia guna mama dia punya tagline. Masa dia approach aku tu pun aku memang tertarik dengan tagline dia tu, tapi ndataulah either logo yg aku buat ni mampu menggambarkan kesedapan tagline dia. Hehe. Later aku kena carve stamp tau untuk logo ni.

euphoria said...

If I can avoid designing logos, I'd avoid it sbb saya tak pandai sgt nak lukis2 or nak guna softwares. Tapi saya rasa you have a knack for it :)

Things are scary if kita tak selalu buat .. fear is in the mind hihik...

mangosteenskin said...


mmg mango minat. mango mmg minat logo2 dan label2 product. Tapi tulah, i'm not geared for it. Kalau ada peluang nak jg belajar lebih mendalam.

thanks so much for ur brilliant comment euphy. betul tu, kalau dah selalu buat tak takut lg kan, mcm ukir stamp tu lah. hehe.

Paupau said...

i think i'm the only one who's not really a fan of this font? not that i wanna question the creativity to it [i like the concept :)],but design wise,it's actually kinda hard for me to read? if you write a block of text with this font,i think you'll get the idea. ;)

regarding with illustrator,it takes experiment to deal with it?it can be a pain to start,cuz it's not as flexible as photoshop,but the longer you use,the more you'll find its beauty. :)

Allycat said...

I like the logo very much. Its so darn cute!

Athirah Rahim said...

Hi dear,

I have emailed you requesting the quotation for my wedding stamp. can you pls reply dear? :)


mangosteenskin said...

Hi Pauline,
I get what u mean, and I am totally agree with it. Of course, what I had in mind is something for branding/label, not to be used in form of text/sentences.

Yes, I have tried illustrator before and think it's a great software. But since I'm self-thought, I think the progress is very slow. I want a tutor so that I can have someone to ask this and that, to speed my learning process. I would love to learn photoshop too but for the time being i'd love to discover vector software first.

mangosteenskin said...

thank you very much! :)

Am still trying to reply all mails. It's killing me. Erk. Please forgive me for the delay k.

Athirah Rahim said...

Hi dear,

ok, but appreciate if you can reply ASAP. please.... hehe..