Friday 19 March 2010

Taip taip. Delete delete.

English is so foreign that when people talk to me, I always answer back in Malay or rojak. Tapi bila difikir-fikirkan balik, why should I be ashamed? I am Malaysian kan.
Many times I think I spent too much time trying to compose a blog post in English, but when I think it all over again, I took too much time composing in Malay either. Taip taip taip. Delete delete delete.


CAHAYA said...

hehe. comel!

Aneesah said...

Mango, I read one of your entries kat Google Reader tapi tekan link nak komen tgk2 dah takde. :P Anyhow, sabar ye kak, despite all the stress and tension carve2, it's still very2 enjoyable to you, kan? :) Mesti rasa puas hati yg tak dpt ditandingi. I mmg tabik spring; you having to balance your various roles... I'll pray that you'll have strength and semoga dipermudahkan segala urusan, insyaAllah...

Azlina Abdul said...

I pun rojak jugak! hehehee!It's not easy to write in full English or full Malay for me too. But since I want to get more readers to my blog, I have to write in full English. Furthermore it will help me improve my English in the long run. Kalau tak paksa diri nih tulis dalam English, lama2 bahasa tu hilang camtu jer kan. Kena selalu practice, barulah pandai skit hihihihihi... ;)

nurnuha said...

i agree so much.started out in malay..gone english suddenly in the middle, then back to malay again.or whatever language there are..haha..whatever it is, i guess the mixture of language makes us special in a way..:)