Saturday 27 March 2010

Digital ArtTempt

I turned the drawing into a digital form and tadaa!!

Self-taught is so slow... I got ideas but my skill is so limited. But it's okay, nothing to lose. Orang kata, pelan-pelan... Saya percaya Tuhan pasti tolong.
Saya ada banyak stamp yang perlu diukir dalam 2-3 hari ini. Mudah-mudahan saya mampu menyiapkannya walaupun sekarang saya rasa sangat nervous.


imanmom said...

cantiknya lukisan bunga tu...

DJF CloSet said...

good luck ;)

Edi said...

mango, cantik bile convert to digital.. kalau u ada masa buatlah tutorial camne u convert tu.. mcm menarik je.. :D teringin gak nak try..

mangosteenskin said...

TQ. :)

DJF Closet,
Thanks. Dapat siapkan 50%. Tapi still nervous sbb yg susah2 tolak tepi dulu.

kak edi,
hihihi, malu nak ajar org cara guna software ni, apa yg mango buat tu istilah diapun mango tak tau.

ok, kalau illustrasi ros ni mango trace guna coreldraw. Selepas trace tu, baru kita edit warna, buang background dll. Ada certain part yg susah nak handle, mango lukis freehand semula (guna tools yg ada dlm corel). Bila nak kaler/insert new object gunakan layer. Ilustrasi tu jadi berlapis-lapis dan mudah nak manipulate.

Kalu guna freeware mcm picasa/photoscape tak boleh achieve hasil mcm ni. Kena gunakan proper graphic software mcm corel/illustrator. I don't know about photoshop sebab tak pernah guna photoshop lg.

Tapi Rizal RestnRileks cakap, ada option lain selain AI dan photoshop, sebab Adobe berat. Hm, mango pun tak pernah cuba lg yg lain2 sbb nak belajar satu benda je pun dah makan terlalu banyak masa for me.

euphoria said...

how do you transfer wordings onto the eraser? Need some tips.

i.euphoria at

mangosteenskin said...


believe it or not...there is no special technique. I trace them with pencil, the ordinary way.

if got technique to transfer prints onto the eraser, I also want to know!

AdIQuE said...

sangat cantik bunga kena bukak kelas ni..walaupun baru belajar katanya, tapi dah cukup mabeles :)

euphoria said...

tu la mango.. I use tracing papers and pencil tracing juga. Belum cuba acetone je.

Takpe.. mari belajar lagi :)

mangosteenskin said...

adique, sendiripun memerlukan sifu ni. sifu...sifu d mana?

tak apa...practice dulu apa yg boleh.

Zaznuriah said...


was wondering if you still take orders? thank you.

Shirley said...


yeah... i would like to know if you still take orders too...

:) thanks