Friday 3 April 2009

Getting My Wood Supply

I'm swarmed with office works but I'm also worry about few unmounted stamps that suppose to be completed and delivered this week. There are also unreplied emails and delayed works for handcarved stamps. I really need to get some wood to make the mountings so I took a different route to work this morning to enable a visit to Hiong Tiong.

I wanted to rush but I missed the junction and had to make a U-Turn twice!

The warehouse where they keep smaller pieces of pre-cut woods and plywoods. This is where I do my shopping today!

I brought samples of my mounted handmade stamps, to give them idea of what I'm looking for. These lady help me to locate the pre-cut size that I require and help me to cut them into shorter pieces. I use Agathis wood for my handmade stamps mounting. It is a soft type of wood for lightweight use, has very light color and smooth surface. It is good to have a bit of knowledge about wood or make some research first before you plan to buy, coz it really helps.

It's looks like a giant cabinet! But there's no need to climb the ladder because the pre-cut wood that I want is stored at the ground level, rightmost door in the picture. I am a bit particular, so I like to make the choosing myself. There are operating machineries at the back area and moving forklifts so the place is very noisy. Yelling is common in a place like this.

I'm updating blog and doing other work in my computer at the same time. Oh how time fly so fast! I already missed my breakfast and lunch!


Anasfadilah said...

its my 1st time here..

u hand carve all the stamp?

tererrr tu :)

nanti i will email u,sgt berminat dengan all ur rubber stamp..cuteness!

mangosteenskin said...

ha'ah. handcarved. hehe.tq.

Nijihanko said...

where you bought the wood? I also find the wood....
and thanks for coming my blog and link me...
love your stamp carve too...^^