Friday 21 January 2011

Nicotine Patch

I bought nicotine patch
for my husband.

I want him to quit smoking.

I told him,
it's RM74 for 7 pieces for 7 days
so 1 piece per day.

He said,
That expensive, kalau saya tak berhenti merokok juga...

Bukan itu sepatutnya line sayakah?

Lelaki memang pandai kan,
sebelum kena warning dia warning dulu.


Unknown said...

LOL...I guess is a normal thing for guys who have 'this' addiction...
bole jd sensitive & defensive =) Same goes to my bf =P

syg said...

kakak, if rm1 per day tu consider mahal, u should ask him how much he spent utk beli rokok per day..hikhikk..then ask him how much pulak the expenses if he fall sick because of that..

drMyrisstyca said...


Kalau its kinda mahal and ur hubby is bersemangat utk berenti, selalunye klinik kesihatan (tapi kerajaan la)ade kasi ubat ni free..
its a new medications yang agak efektif jugak la. Boleh tanya jugak. Sometimes boleh dpt supply patch tu dkt klinik kesihatan jugak, tp mebi kene daftar quit smoking clinic la, basicly dia adalah formality dulu, but later, follow up just untuk supply meds and tgk berjaya atau tak.

I'm a medical student, and haritu my general practitioner told me about this. :)

Tapi papepun, good luck to him! (and u..hehehe)

carolchs said...

hellooooo..lama sa tidak limpas2 blog ko hehe

since sa kenal husband sa(dulu bf la)..dua kali sdh attempt dia mau quit smoking. the good thing was, dia yg initiated mau stop. but, peer pressure i guess...the longest he stopped was 2 yrs saja....mau jg dari hati bah tu kan mau stop.Anyways, hows ur husband doing with the nicotine patch? working?

Unknown said...

Good call. Nicotine patches help curb nicotine addiction.
newport cigarettes